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Marc Dorcel is entrusted with the editorial management of the channel and its VOD services. On 24 December 2013, XXL was sold to Thematic Netherlands BV, an association comprising an AB group executive and the Marc Dorcel (minority shareholder) group. At the time of the debate on the protection of the minors with respect to the images in pornographic matter of 2002, the channel was strongly criticized because half of pornographic films on French television, were on this channel. It broadcasts a gay movie every Tuesday and an amateur film every Wednesday. Starting at midnight, it broadcasts two pornographic films, of which the second is a repeat broadcast from the previous week. XXL starts its programming at 10:30 PM with either an erotic film, or a talk show, sometimes hosted by former pornographic film actresses. Nowadays, it is available on every cable and satellite distributor as an option channel. Created in 1996 and transmitted by the AB Sat satellite, it was at the time the first French channel to broadcast pornography every evening. XXL is a television channel in France that is dedicated to pornography and erotica.

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